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Hubei Qunyi Culture Industry Group Co.,Ltd.

Our company was founded in 2001, after more than ten years of development. We have become a comprehensive group company with production industry, manufacturing industry, retail industry and service industry.

Our headquartered locates in Jingmen city, Hubei province. We also have set up branches in Wuhan, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia and other countries and regions. The service projects include: printing, advertising, film and television, decoration, import and export food trade, software development, website construction, driver training, enterprise management consulting and other thousands of service projects.

Company mission: help enterprises grow, solve enterprise management problems

Since the official promotion of the MPM began in 2008, bosses from all over the country and even at home and abroad come to participate the class every month. Up to now, tens of thousands of enterprises have introduced this management method and obtained good results in practical application.

In 2010, Mr. Li Rong, chairman of Hubei Qunyi, was invited to Malaysia to give a special lecture on "qunyi mode". More than 200 business owners from Malaysia attended the lecture which made Malaysian government paid great attention to it. Up to now, Mr. Li Rong has been invited to Malaysia to hold more than 10 lectures on MPM.

In 2011, Mr. Li Rong, chairman of qunyi group, delivered a speech about "how to make Enterprises bigger and stronger" at the sixth annual conference of Chinese Small and Medium-sized entrepreneurs which were attended by national leaders and thousands of entrepreneurs. The conference awarded Hubei Qunyi "2011 national advanced unit for serving Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" and "top 10 human resource management institutions".

In 2013, Hubei Qunyi was reward as "the best human resource institution of global top 500 enterprise business school" by Chinese enterprise business school.

In 2015, Mr. Li Rong and excellent entrepreneurs of Hubei Province went to Australia for business investigation with secretary of the party committee of Hubei province, Li Hongzhong, and signed an investment agreement. At the same time, the MPM is introduced to Australian enterprises.

In 2016, Mr. Li Rong, as a representative of the new era of innovative entrepreneurs, was invited South Korea "Jeju Forum", and at the conference he give a speech on enterprise innovation management mode. In the same year in November, at the invitation of the ministry of commerce, Mr. Li rong attended the business leaders' conference of 16 central and eastern European countries in Riga and Latvia with premier Li Keqiang and delivered a speech, then he handed over the materials of MPM for social innovation management to premier after the speech.

Mr. Li Rong's original MPM system has gone abroad and been introduced by Malaysia, Singapore, the United States, Myanmar, Vietnam, Spain, Australia, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea and other countries. It has made remarkable effect.


Development of the group


2003年President Li Rong created the MPM

2008年The MPM start to promote

2012年7月Mr. Li rong, chairman of hubei qunyi, was appointed as the part-time deputy director of the enterprise management innovation research institute of China academy of management science

2012年11月Hubei qunyi was awarded "top ten human resource management organization of national advanced units for enterprises"



2015年7月Mr. Li rong, chairman of hubei qunyi, was awarded "top ten influential figures in the era of Chinese management innovation model".



2015年11月The MPM college was officially listed at Hubei Qunyi culture industry park

2015年12月The MPM went to Tsinghua University

2016年5月The MPM went to South Korea "Jeju Forum"

2016年11月At the invitation of the ministry of commerce, Mr. Li rong attended the business leaders' conference of 16 central and eastern European countries in Riga and Latvia with premier li keqiang and delivered a speech

2016年11月The MPM academic seminar & scientific and technological achievements appraisal meeting was successfully held


2017年2月The MPM went into The world top 500 ChemChina

2017年5月The MPM, New Silk Road International Cultural Station (Jingmen General Station) was established

2017年7月The MPM went to Spain

2017年7月The MPM Introduction held book launch


2018年5月The MPM login CCTV


2018年9月Baishipo MPM was selected as "the first batch of excellent urban and rural community work law of hubei province" by Hubei Home Office

2018年10月The first rural and community MPM class was successfully held

2019年7月China Merit Point Management was published in English

Management consulting

       Since the year 2003, Hubei Qunyi Group has created the MPM system. It uses points to cultivate good habits of employees, motivate employees in all aspects, break the "big pot" in distribution, retain the talents, build excellent management team, establish healthy enterprise culture, and solve various problems in management. In just a few years, the number of employees of Hubei Qunyi has doubled, the service project has expanded from several items to more than 2500, the asset has expanded 20 times, the benefit has increased 50 times, creating the miracle of enterprises.
  • Happy work Happy life

    Under the MPM model, employees are recognized by points for every time they make efforts. No matter in work tasks or behaviors, employees' contributions and values are affirmed, and they get great satisfaction and sense of achievement. At the same time, the MPM advocates "people oriented" humanistic management, cares about and respects employees, so that employees can also feel the warmth of family in the enterprise, thus enhancing employees' sense of belonging; In addition, we also give full consideration to the growth and value of employees in their work, and encourage them to keep innovating, every time they master a new skill and points will be given. In this way, when their ability is improved, they will be rewarded with points, so as to truly realize the goal of "happy work and happy life".

  • MPM never let excellent staff suffer loss

    The MPM advocates that excellent employees do not suffer loss. Every time the employees complete the work and conduct positive behaviors, they will be rewarded with points. Moreover, the ranking of points is open and transparent within the enterprise. Ranking are viable to check at any time. The system are both spiritual and material aspects of the two-way incentives, it not only meets the most basic material needs such as salary, welfare and promotion, but also satisfies the spiritual needs such as excellent recognition, model incentive and flexible vacation. Diversified incentive methods enable excellent employees not to suffer loss, but also to motivate and mobilize employees' enthusiasm for a longer time.

In addition to rewarding the ranking of employees' points and awards for ranking, there will also be wonderful entertainment programs at the happy meeting and the lucky draw of bonus tickets on the spot will make employees happy. Employees can feel the warmth of the company when they receive and spread positive energy, so that employees can truly experience happy work and happy life.
The company carries out comprehensive quantitative assessment of employees through the MPM system. At the end of the year, the company ranks employees according to their points, and the employees with the high points can get travel rewards.
Employee dry share allocation is a special benefit to retain irreplaceable management and technical talents of the company. This benefit is not available to everyone, but it everyone has a chance. To some extent, the dry share stimulates employees' enthusiasm and sense of responsibility to some extent and improves the stability of talents.
Company culture is the soul of an enterprise, an inexhaustible driving force for the development of an enterprise and an important expression to enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of an enterprise. In Hubei Qunyi, they always pay attention to the construction of enterprise culture and organize some beneficial activities, so that staff can get more happiness after busy work.
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