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We are making full use of its advantages in management to promote the continuous development of enterprises, activate the vitality of the market economy and put the national economy develop rapidly and stably.


sharing session——entrepreneurs management feast

01 ActivitiesAbundant offline activities, such as regular sharing meeting, welcome party and other activities.You will be given priority to participate in the monthly practical training class held by Hubei Qunyi

02 contactsTens of thousands of entrepreneurs network, exchange ideas, learn experiences, progress together . Every sharing meeting is the beginning of accumulating contacts.

03 resourcesEnjoy more quality resources, whether it is business management or business operation, you will be one step faster

04 serviceWe offer a full range of services designed to create a circle of sharing where you can find us.

Qunyi Management Union Branch contact information

National branch contact information

Qunyi Management Union Member

QunYi Member

What are the advantages of choosing us
  • Wide range of services

    We have trainees all over the world, including Southeast Asia, America, Australia and other regions
  • Excellent service ability

    The experienced team will continue to provide service
  • High service frequency

    We have professional consultants online every day to update the industry cases in real time
  • Full service mode

    Convenient online services and rich offline tracking, 24/7 real-time solutions
  • Long service cycle

    Professional team lifelong guidance after class, practice classes can be permanent participated
  • Perfect service system

    Provide professional quantitative standards, perfect software to facilitate the implementation
  • Many successful cases

    CNI group, China National Chemical Industry , Bull Group, Shouxianguo and other successful cases
  • Wide resources of trainees

    Overseas enterprises CNI Group, listed enterprises Topstrong, Bull Group and other benchmark enterprises

Up to2024年09月

We have successfully held a total of more than 1000 MPM sharing sessions

Qunyi Management Union has successfully held more than 10 sessions overseas

You're not fighting alone
you're fighting in groups.
You are not learning alone
but a group of people helping each other to learn
积分制 - 群艺积分制管理培训课程,湖北群艺积分制管理软件