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Does your enterprise encounter any of
the following management problems?

The system has no executive force

The management cadre cannot decide the salary of the staff, but only to act step by step, the punishment is difficult to implement, the system just doesn’t work.

There is no rational distribution mechanism

Traditional enterprises mostly adopt the "big pot" mode of profit distribution, the investment doesn't motivate staff.

Traditional management methods fail to retain the talent

The enterprise lack methods to retain the talent, and employees can come and go as they want, leaving bosses with a mess.

No healthy enterprise culture

Traditional enterprise only considers employees to "do things", without managing "behave themselves". The more capable employees are, the more difficult they are to manage.

Traditional management’s incentive costs are high

Traditional enterprise ueses material incentives and promises employees to gain more. As a result, company profits are falling while employees' wages are rising.

Employees' thoughts are difficult to grasp

Employees do their job not only for salary and bonus, but also for higher spiritual needs, which is not considered by traditional business management.

Hubei Qunyi 16 years management experiences

Since the year 2003, Hubei Qunyi Group has created the MPM system. It uses points to cultivate good habits of employees, motivate employees in all aspects, break the "big pot" in distribution, retain the talents, build excellent management team, establish healthy enterprise culture, and solve various problems in management. In just a few years, the number of employees of Hubei Qunyi has doubled, the service project has expanded from several items to more than 2500, the asset has expanded 20 times, the benefit has increased 50 times, creating the miracle of enterprises.

The MPM course arrangement

报到 登记

> 湖北群艺

> 地址:湖北荆门市象山一路26号


07:10 - 08:10
Hotel buffet & Come together
08:30 - 12:30
Definition of the MPM

> Classification of the MPM

> Specific application of the MPM

12:30 - 13:00
14:30 - 18:30
Set standard of the MPM

> Operation process of the MPM

> Cautions for the MPM operation

18:30 - 19:00
19:15 - 22:30
Qunyi Team Exchange Conference on MPM

> The importance of MPM to employees

> Witness attitude of Qunyi staff to view points

07:10 - 08:10
Hotel buffet & Come together
08:30 - 12:30
Flexible use of the MPM in practice

> How to balance

> How to learn the essence

12:30 - 13:00
14:30 - 18:30
The MPM Software demonstration and operation

> Managers: The MPM actual operation

> Bosses: How to establish the mechanism of retaining talents

18:30 - 19:00
19:15 - 22:30
Paticipate in Qunyi Happy Meeting

> Paticipate in Qunyi Happy Meeting

> Feel the joy of the MPM

07:10 - 08:10
Hotel buffet & Come together
08:30 - 12:30
Explanation of MPM specific cases

> How to do employee performance appraisal

12:30 - 13:00
14:30 - 18:30
The MPM operating tools and processes

>Managers: The MPM Q&A

>Bosses: How to distribute Manage team salary and bonus?

18:30 - 19:00
19:15 - 22:30
Learning experience sharing

> Learning experience sharing on scene

> The MPM Plan and Programme instruction

Bus to Wuhan airport
Founder teaches the courses



  • 中国中小企业家年会 副主席
  • 中国管理模式创新十大时代影响力人物
  • 马来西亚积分制管理协会主席
  • 中国管理科学研究院企业管理创新研究所兼职副所长
Listen to the real voice


"The core problem of enterprise management in the 21st century is to solve the problem of manage people."
中国管理科学研究院终身研究员 廖代月

In 1911, "the father of scientific management" Taylor's "scientific management principles" book, put forward the theory of management principles, which will affect the problem of enterprise management for the next 50 years.Later, Peter drucker, the "father of modern management", initiated management as a discipline in his book “management practice” which published in 1954, with epoch-making significance. Then, in his book “management challenge in the 21st century”, he mentioned that the biggest problem in future management is to solve the problem of managing people. In 2003, Li Rong created the MPM, and he will be the third great man in the history of management in the world.

  • 积分制快乐会议

    People all have the same characteristics, we can grasp their thoughtTOP STRONG HOUSEHOLD CO.,LTD. CEO Wang Guangwu

    I graduated from Shanghai university of finance and economics 21 years ago and became one of the earliest management graduate students in China.I have worked for more than 20 years, including more than 10years of being a boss and a business consultant. At present, the most popular thing used in employee behavior motivation in the world is called KPI. After KPI assessment comes out, the corresponding results are prize money and penalty. But employees don't do what you expect, they only do what you evaluate. So the traditional “carrot-and-stick theory” of purely naked monetary rewards and punishments is doing less good and more harm.

  • 积分制快乐会议

    Run a business for 44 years, become the “father of mattress”STYLUTION President Chen Yanmu

    I am a Taiwanese, but also a Chinese. Known as "mattress godfather". As the chairman of China household brand alliance, the executive vice President of the national Taiwan business association.I am a Taiwanese, but also a Chinese. Known as "mattress godfather". As the chairman of China household brand alliance, the executive vice President of the national Taiwan business association. I have been running a business for more than 40 years and teaching in a school for more than 20 years. I thought that my experiences and practice in business management were quite insightful. The MPM is a living management knowledge, KPI is a dead thing, the KPI are several factors, several indicators and how to check the results. However, the MPM is a dynamic management learning, if you can appreciate the dynamic management of MPM, you will be successful. When the MPM change your behavior, and become a habit. The boss's highest artistic realm is when he builds such a point platform.

  • 积分制快乐会议

    THE MPM will bring a deep development with epoch-making significance!Japan WORLD TRVAE proprietor 松原智哉

    However, through two days’ learning, this era, from the innovation of MPM that created by Li Rong, should be reversed again. I have great confidence in the MPM and I think it is of epoch-making significance.1500 years ago, Chinese characters and many cultures were transmitted to Japan. However, for about 200 years in modern times, China mostly studied Japan. I have recepted many enterprises from China to Kyoto to learn amoeba management style. However, through two days’ learning, this era, from the innovation of MPM that created by Li Rong, should be reversed again. I have great confidence in the MPM and I think it is of epoch-making significance. This 200 years of this era, to be the end of Li Rong!"

  • 积分制快乐会议

    用数字化思维助力生产经营发展创新浙江贝发集团的总经理 邱智铭



Course on-site review

第 192 期积分制管理课程现场
第 191 期落地实操班课程现场
第 189 期积分制管理课程现场

Course adavntage

