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Mr. Li Rong

Chairman of Hubei Qunyi Group Founder of MPM

July 8, 2012

Mr. Li rong was appointed as the part-time deputy director of the enterprise management innovation research institute of China academy of management science

November 27, 2013

Hubei qunyi was awarded "top ten human resource management organization of national advanced units for enterprises"

November 2013

Hubei Qunyi group was awarded the TOP100 best human resources institution recognized by the business school of top 500 enterprises in the world

July 2014

Mr. Li rong was awarded the special contribution of management innovation figure by China academy of management science

October 2015

Mr. Li rong won the "2015 top 100 enterprises international golden eagle award" in Malaysia

May 8, 2017

The MPM, New Silk Road International Cultural Station (Jingmen General Station) was established

May 27, 2018

The MPM, New Silk Road International Cultural Malaysia Station (Johor Bahru Station) was established

September 8, 2018

Mr. Li Rong was awarded the "2018 top ten leaders of China economic industries" by the China academy of management science

Our team

We have an excellent creative team with many years of practical experiences

Li Ge Hubei Qunyi Group  General Manager

I am Li Ge, a member of the MPM management team of Hubei Qunyi.

Joan margarita once said: If you can't evaluate, you can't manage. Before 2003, My company haven’t introduced the MPM yet. Like many enterprises, we always encounter various problems in management, such as the difficulty in implementing the leadership decision, no reasonable distribution mechanism, low enthusiasm of employees, and brain drain of enterprises. The root cause of these problems is that there is no proper mechanism to properly evaluate the daily work of employees. How to evaluate employees' working conditions fairly and reasonably and form a good cultural atmosphere within the enterprise? So as to not only retain talents, but also improve employees' enthusiasm.

The introduction of the MPM has changed the face of the enterprise. On the one hand, it saves the management cost of the company; on the other hand, it forms a better competition mechanism within the enterprise, and forms a healthy competitive atmosphere. Since 2003, I have witnessed the changes and development of the company with all members. Over the years, Our staff number has been continuously increased, our assets has expanded by 20 times, our annual income has increased by 50 times. Now my colleagues have won the rewards, improved their income and bought new houses to live a comfortable life through the MPM. I really from the bottom of my heart feel happy for them.

Liu Jie Hubei Qunyi Group  Vice General Manager

I am a member of hubei qunyi management team who is responsible for the company's business, planning and human resource management. Hubei Qunyi is an excellent platform for me to realize my self-value.

I have been with the company for ten years. 10 years is never too short or too long. Facing the same rising sun and the change of seasons every day, I sometimes kill the passion and pride I should have and waste the good time of life. In fact, the sun of everyday is new, the annual rain and snow is not the same. Just like I work at Qunyi, I have new feelings of life every day. Thanks to Qunyi and the MPM, I have not wasted my 10 years life and realized my value.

Xie Yangyan Hubei Qunyi Group   Executive Department Manager  Senior Graphic Designer

I have 10 years of experience in actual operating of the MPM. Since I joined the company in 2005, I have been working in the photography department and graphic design department as well as the part-time execution department. Here at the execution department, I am responsible for the implementation of the MPM, formulating the standards for award deduction, checking the implementation of the system, auditing and recording the staff events of award deduction and implementing staff benefits, etc.

I also participated in the implementation of the MPM, successively conducted on-site guidance for many enterprises and public institutions, and was widely praised by everyone.

Gao Xingguang Hubei Qunyi Group  Financial Manager

I am Gao xingguang who is a financial manager from the company. I am mainly responsible for the management of arrears and cash, as well as the purchasing work, internal management of employees, reception and maintenance of key customers, planning and implementation of celebration activities, and quantitative assessment of employee salary. I am also one of the leaders of the MPM implementation group of Hubei Qunyi, and also the captain and director of the company's Wei Feng gong and drum team.

I am also the longest length of service employees in the company. I joined the company in 1999 and had been working with Mr. Li Rong for 20 years. Now my point is over 2 million points. Although my length of service is long and be qualified to do everything, but because of MPM, I dare not slack off in my work, but to continue to work hard. Eventually I decided to work at Qunyi until I retired.

In the past 19 years, I have witnessed the rapid development of Qunyi under the leadership of Mr. Li Rong and his MPM. It can be said that the MPM plays an important role in this process.

I hope all entrepreneurs can insist and flexibly apply the MPM method through learning, so as to make your enterprises develop more rapidly and work more relaxed, which is also our greatest wishes!

Li Yun Hubei Qunyi Group  Network Departmeny Manager

My name is li yun. I have been working in the company for more than ten years. At present, I am in charge of the daily management of the network department and software development department.

The network department is mainly to undertake personalized website customization business, domain name registration, virtual host, micro-website construction, taobao shop and other businesses. We have a professional computer room, double 100Mbps fiber.,etc. We commit to provide customers with a one-stop service station. The software development department mainly undertakes personalized software development busines, from customer demand to mobile APP to cross-platform, thus we can provide customers with a full set of software services.

In addition to these duties, I also participate in the reception work of training and promotion on the network and WeChat. We also combined with the concept of the MPM and developed various versions of MPM software. At present, the software has been able to support the application and review on mobile phones, which is very convenient.

Everything I to do can be recognized by points, so I attach great importance to points. So far I've got over a million points. Thanks to the points, I got the travel to Hong Kong and Macao, travel abroad, 100,000 dry shares and high year-end bonus. MPM is really good.

Yan Fang Hubei Qunyi Group  General Department Manager

I am a member of the core management team of Hubei Qunyi group, mainly responsible for the maintenance of major clients, business tracking and franchise agency. In addition, I was also responsible for the implementation guidance of the MPM.

At present, I rank the first in Hubei Qunyi. I have earned a lot of benefits through point, including overseas travel, financial management insurance of 300,000 yuan, dry stock, mobile subsidy, car subsidy, etc.

As the old saying goes, a soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier, I am a soldier who wants to be a general! When I first started working in Qunyi, my goal was to learn skill and then work as my own boss. Because Qunyi was the best local advertising company at that time, I joined the company in order to learn digital design. Ten years’ working at Qunyi, I have learned a lot about other skills besides digital design. But I did not realize the dream of being a boss, this owe to points. Because of my efforts, I was recognized by the points, which enabled me to win all the company's benefits. I want to go to Singapore, Australia, the United States, Europe... for these dreams, I do not stop to earn points. Qunyi is an infinite platform, and the point culture atmosphere is so harmonious. We love each other, work actively and live a happy life all from the importance and recognition of points. Looking back on the past ten years of work, I have not only toughened my iron will, but also strengthened my character."

Lai Fangfei Hubei Qunyi Group  Planning Department Manager

Hello, everyone. My name is Lai Fangfei. I am the manager of Hubei Qunyi group. I am responsible for the company's wedding planning department, wedding studio daily management, daily maintenance of main clients.

I have been working in qunyi for more than 10 years. At present, my total points rank top 10 in the company, and I have been obtained many rewards and benefits related to points through my own efforts. Meanwhile, manager Xie and I are responsible for the point execution of all employees.

In recent years, I have been in charge of guidance for the MPM system in the whole country. The enterprises we provide guidance for include listed companies, state-owned enterprises and domestic well-known enterprises. We have rich practical experiences in implementing the MPM in all walks of life. If you want to implement our system more quickly, more directly, you can communicate with me.

My motto is: learning to improve next time is an effective rule to improve yourself.

Wan Daohong Hubei Qunyi Group  Video department director

My name is Wan Daohong. I joined Hubei Qunyi in 2008 and took charge of the daily management of video department of the company. In the work, our efforts can be recognized by points, the MPM can really do the point to point incentive.

With the incentive of points, our team has shot a number of public service advertisements and micro films, which have won awards in provincial and national film competitions for many times. Every time we complete a production, the company will give our team 2000-10000 points. Because of the MPM, employees' potential is stimulated and their efforts are recognized. Employees are more and more enthusiastic and the team is stronger and stronger.

This is the charm of the MPM!

Xiong Yangyang Hubei Qunyi Group  Training Department Manager

I'm Xiong Yangyang, male (this is very important, it's not good to misunderstand when making a phone call)

Now I am the core member of Hubei Qunyi training department, mainly responsible for daily affairs of the training department, management of training customer information, reception during training, training related publicity, and post-training service of trainees. In addition to working in the training department, I also worked on trusses, installed a stage, worked as a photographer, worked as an actor, stood on the front desk, carried a bag... Everything enriched my life, and a red lottery ticket came in return.

"How much does one point cost?" "it doesn't matter." "I won the lottery." "I want to be first."From a foolish to a little feeling, and then to a fanatical pursuit and obsessed with it. When every pay went into a kind of joy, points will be everywhere, and every reward is a surprise...

Zhang Ling  Hubei Qunyi Group  Financial Manager

I am Zhang Ling, Financial Manager of company.In addition to my own job, I am also responsible for the reception and maintenance of key customers, the management of business order, the connection of banking affairs, the contact with relevant functional departments such as taxation, etc.

You must be curious! Why do a financial manager participate in customer reception and maintenance which are irrelevant with my own affairs? This is the charm of MPM. Because we can get the recognition of points for everything we do, I have ranked the first in total accumulated points after 9 years of hard working. I have received the welfare of Hong Kong and Macao tour, dry share bonus and private car purchase subsidy brought by the ranking award of points. With the accumulation of points, I have obtained the business finance insurance tailored by the company, and I will receive 300,000 yuan in cash after 20 years.

I have witnessed the charm of the MPM, and I believe this management method will also have an effect on your enterprise. I would like to make friends with enterprise bosses all over the country.

Yan Qingjun Hubei Qunyi Group  Security Department Manager

My name is Yan Qingjun, manager of security department of Hubei Qunyi. I have been in the company for 5 years, but I don't care much about points in the first year. At the end of the year, when I saw my colleagues' travel to Hong Kong and Macao, I felt the importance of points. So I decide to get the first place next year! Hard work pays off. At the end of 2011, I won the first place among staff, and won the prize of traveling to Hong Kong and Macao and the cash prize of 6000 yuan. How happy I am! If your enterprise can introduce the MPM system, I believe that your employees will work as hard and happily as I do. Welcome to our company. I'll pick you up.

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