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Since 2008, Hubei Qunyi group began to promote the MPM nationwide. Up to now, 195 MPM practical operation classes have been conducted, and more than 10 courses have been held abroad, with tens of thousands of enterprises who have participate the course. At present, there have been more than 1000 MPM in China, during which entrepreneurs share their successful experience in person.
In addition to being introduced and implemented by more and more domestic enterprises, the MPM system is also widely popular in Malaysia, Australia, the United States, Singapore, Spain, Vietnam, Japan, Indonesia and other countries.

The MPM went to Economic and Trade Forum of Leaders of 16 CEEC

The MPM went to Economic and Trade Forum of Leaders of 16 CEEC

On November 5, 2016, Mr. Li Rong, chairman of Hubei Qunyi, was invited by the ministry of commerce and accompanied by premier Li Keqiang of the state council to attend the Economic and Trade Forum of Leaders of 16 CEEC, then deliver a speech.

Due to the good results achieved in the practical application of the MPM, Mr. Li Rong was invited to give speeches overseas and held more than 10 lectures, realizing the purpose of combination and development, sharing innovation proposed by premier Li Keqiang.

At the end of the meeting, Mr Li Rong personally presented the MPM plan to premier Li Keqiang.

The MPM went to South Korea "Jeju Forum"

On May 25, 2016, Mr. Li rong, chairman of Hubei Qunyi group, was invited to attend the South Korea "Jeju Forum", and delivered a speech on enterprise innovation management mode.

At the China-Korea-Japan entrepreneur exchange meeting, Mr. Li Rong, as the representative of Chinese entrepreneurs, gave a wonderful speech about MPM on the innovative management method of enterprise human resources, which was translated by four languages simultaneously. Mr. Li Rong's unique management concept and innovative management method have won high recognition and general appreciation from the entrepreneurs on site.

In addition to being introduced and implemented by more and more domestic enterprises, the MPM is also widely popular in Malaysia, Australia, Singapore, Spain and other countries, it has been introduced and implemented by many enterprises in these countries.

The MPM went to South Korea
The MPM was popular in Malaysia
The MPM was popular in Malaysia

Under the support of the government, the federation of Malaysian business associations has invited the founder of MPM Mr. Li Rong, to share business management experience in Malaysia for 15 times, and plans to promote the MPM throughout Malaysia.

Nine years ago, Malaysian enterprises began to introduce Hubei Qunyi's original MPM system, which attracted the attention of the local government and many entrepreneurs. After several years of promotion, hundreds of enterprises in Malaysia have adopted the MPM.

In the evening of April 2, 2015, Mr. Li rong, chairman of Hubei Qunyi won the honor of "21st century supreme brand award" and "21st century supreme brand award and global CEO award " in Malaysia.

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The MPM went into Spain

On July 1, 2017, the lecture "MPM, Enterprise Innovation Management Mode" jointly sponsored by A1 group, MPM Institute and Hubei Qunyi MPM Institute was held in Madrid Fuelabrada costa hotel.

Mr. Li Rong, the founder of the MPM to share the unique management art of this system with Spanish Chinese business enterprise managers. A large number of Chinese bosses and managers joined the feast. Meanwhile, all seats are occupied.

The founder Mr. Li Rong explained the function, characteristics and application of the MPM, combined the core concept with actual cases, Shared the experiences with the guests at the meeting, so as to help local Chinese businesses reduce management costs and realize transformation and upgrading.

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The MPM went into Spain
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